viernes, 7 de agosto de 2020

Friday, August 7th

This is my Friday face - smiling dog on a field | Meme Generator

Hello Children!😁 
Today is Friday and…

 1. It 's Story time! Let's watch🔊 the following story.

2. Now, let 's think!
WHO👦👧 are the main characters in the story?
WHERE🔎 does the story take place?
WHEN🕐 does the story happen?
WHAT❓ happens in the story?

Let's discuss💬 these questions together
next Tuesday!

We are going to change the groups for this second
part of the year in our virtual lessons😏
The groups from NEXT WEEK and on will be👇:

First Group
Second Group
Katia Weinschelbaum                   
Octavio Sanchez Sansi
Mateo Mariuzzo
Valentina Villarroya
Facundo Tellarini                  
Jael Mandil
Oriana Tommasi
Pilar Buccella
Tomas Dominguez
Charo Slutsky  Esposito
Conrado Godoy Guazzaroni
Simón Winer
Iván Perez Duich
Martino D’Atri
Victoria Zabuski
Thiago Minaker Armiento
Julia Battistella
Benjamín Martinez Acosta
Sofia Delledonne
Francisco Diorio Gancedo
Francisco Tello Glogauer
Helena Santesteban
Mora Galeano
Brisa Bernaudo
Maite Gonzalo
Felipe Cabral

That's all for today!😊

We hope you have a wonderful weekend!🎉 

See you on Monday😄

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