jueves, 25 de junio de 2020

Thursday, June 25th

Hi kids! I hope you are fine! 馃懡

Are you ready to play?馃幃

You have to match the pictures to the words馃憖


Today we are having our virtual lesson馃捇

First Group at 10.00
Second Group at 10.45

You will need your English copybook馃摉 and your pencil case馃枆

In the virtual lesson we are going to:

✔ Write the date in the copybook:

Today is ___________________
The weather is______________
I feel ______________________
✔ Play a question game 馃幃

✔ Work with this worksheet馃憞
(you are going to write the answers in your copybook✍)

See you in some minutes馃槈

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